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Meet the

Lineage Linker

Gregory Mazzatti

Genealogist. Researcher. Archivist.

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Professional Bio

My name is Gregory Mazzatti and I have  always had an interest in family history.  When I was 12, I got my own account and have been researching ever since. I became so obsessed that I wanted to build a career out of genealogy. In May 2019, I received a Certificate in Genealogical Research from Boston University. I highly recommend their online certification course to anyone interested in becoming a professional genealogist. I always enjoy helping people explore their own ancestry, and to be able to do it as a job is a privilege. My favorite places to research are New York State and Southern Italy.

Thomas and Emma (Waterman) Knight and children
Home: About

Customer Options

These are the three main choices that customers request. After deciding what you would like done, please email me or use the "Get in Touch" message form below to let me know what you are interested in. You will then receive an email from me with a price estimate.

However, everyone's situation is different. So if you don't see what you are looking for below, please send me an email, and I'll see if it is something I am able to do.

Family History Book

This is the most popular choice of customers. The Family History Book is a complete summary of your entire ancestry where all the information I am able find on your family is compiled together into a book or portfolio. This includes family trees, documents, photos, etc. After you email me with interest in this product, you will receive a form to fill out with personal and immediate family information to get started.

DNA Consultation

Have you received your DNA results and don't understand them? Do you want to figure out how you're connected to your DNA matches? Happy to help!
While there is no guarantee that I can answer all your questions, I do have experience in this field. I was able to find my father's half-sister using AncestryDNA.

Specific Research Question

Is there something specific you are looking for? Do you only want information on one of your ancestors? Are you looking for the history of a property/address or a document? Do you need help applying to a lineage society? Specific interests are usually the easiest questions to answer.

Home: Courses

Get in Touch

(518) 466-0772

Thanks for your business!

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